My Declaration of Love to Songbird Adele

Adele for Vogue


I have wanted to dedicate a post to the exuberant splendour that is Songbird Adele.

I have what I feel is a very healthy obsession and adoration for Adele. Not only does every note she sings give me overwhelming Goosebumps, but she genuinely seems like someone you can sit and have a nice cocktail with. This was definitely confirmed when I watched her on The Jonathan Ross Show a few weeks ago.


It was as if she was transported straight out of the 50’s, she wore a classic black dress, opaque tights and heels. Her makeup as always was flawless and very reminiscent of 50’s, 60’s pinup (and for those of you who read my posts regularly you know I have a certain penchant for all things Old Hollywood) nails pristine and not a hair out of place. It is definitely refreshing to see a young woman with so much talent, remain humble and true to herself. She spoke from the heart which made her relatable, and was never afraid to be herself. She is a Londoner through and through and she is very proud of it. Adele pulled no punches and took no prisoners, the crowd seemed to enjoy her humorous nature, and that was nicely wrapped up with an incredible performance.


Her voice is so reminiscent of Janis Joplin, Etta James and Aretha Franklin all rolled into one. Her music depicts the deepest pain and sadness as if from a woman 30 years her senior. Every note perfectly positioned to deliver an earth shattering performance. From Chasing Pavements to Setting Fire to the Rain, Adele continues to grow in musical ability and style.


Prediction: Adele will be the New Face of Chanel (I may have to eat my words if this doesn’t happen)










Adele - Vogue




Adele - Vogue





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